
Journal of History of Education RSE  is an international, peer-reviewed and open-access journal focused on the global significance and impact of history of education. It covers all the theoretical and practical aspects of the history of education, as well as scholarship and applied research. It is the official journal of CIRSE (Italian Center for History of Education), the field’s leading scientific society in Italy, and has been published since 2014 (since 1982 with another title). The journal is biannual and publishes both special and miscellaneous issues. It encourages submissions from a range of intersecting sub-fields in intellectual, social, political, economic, and cultural history including (but not limited to): sociology of knowledge, history of childhood and youth, public and urban history,  cultural and comparative history, history of ideas, history of emotions.

Current IssueVol 11, No 1 (2024): Participation, collegiality and decentralization: a reflection on the 1970s of the Italian school, half a century after the Delegated Decrees

Published June 23, 2024

Issue Description

In 1974, the so-called “Decreti Delegati” occurred after years of ministerial documents and experimentations whose success depended on headmasters’ and teachers’ leanings; they put into action parts of suggestions and predictions made during the first years of 1970s. Indeed, they modified the way scholastic organisation runs, they de-verticalized it to some extent and established connections among school, society and territory on an institutional basis. This constitutes a topic that has been highly debated in the domain of educational sciences, as are the frantic and complex social events occurred after 1968.

Fifty years following its approval, contextualizing Decreti Delegati has to be strictly linked to a historical period which we need to understand, i.e., the Seventies. Dur... More


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Journal of History of Education RSE  is an international, peer-reviewed and open-access journal focused on the global significance and impact of history of education. It covers all the theoretical and practical aspects of the history of education, as well as scholarship and applied research. It is the official journal of CIRSE (Italian Center for History of Education), the field’s leading scientific society in Italy, and has been published since 2014 (since 1982 with another title). The journal is biannual and publishes both special and miscellaneous issues. It encourages submissions from a range of intersecting sub-fields in intellectual, social, political, economic, and cultural history including (but not limited to): sociology of knowledge, history of childhood and youth, public and urban history,  cultural and comparative history, history of ideas, history of emotions).

ISSN 2384-8294 (print) ISSN 2532-2818 (online)
Rivista Italiana di Storia dell'Educazione, Registration at Pisa Law Court no. 1407
Editors in Chief
Fulvio De Giorgi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Caterina Sindoni, University of Messina
Dorena Caroli, University of Bologna

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