Between "Scientific" and Political Racism: Global Perspectives on School and Racial Discrimination in Fascist Italy and Early 20th Century America David Salomoni pdf (Italiano)
The Italian racial laws of 1938 and the European paradox of "educated ignorance" giuseppe tognon pdf (Italiano)
Why are we different? How the racial laws have changed the life of Jewish-Florentine children and adolescent people Silvia Guetta pdf (Italiano)
Spreading “the Pride of the Race” abroad. The shadow of racial laws in the italian schools of Tunisia Martino Oppizzi pdf (Italiano)
Racism ex cathedra. The case of University of Padova: Il caso dell'Università di Padova Giulia Simone pdf (Italiano)
The Good Italian Race: Aspects of Maria Montessori's relationship with Fascism Furio Pesci pdf (Italiano)
In separate classes. The establishment of the jewish school in the papers of the archives of the jewish community of Modena Giulia Dodi pdf (Italiano)
Between pride and despair. Letters from Jewish Italian teachers to the Jewish. Communities after the 1938 expulsion Enrico Palumbo pdf (Italiano)
Educational life-stories and educators in the aftermath of the racial laws (1938-1944) in a district of the historic center of Rome Carla Roverselli pdf (Italiano)
Silvia Annamaria Scandurra, Scuola e lavoro. Educazione, formazione e sistema duale di apprendimento in Italia dall’Unità ad oggi, Edizioni della Fondazione Nazionale “Vito Fazio-Allmayer”, Palermo 2019 Giusy Denaro
MONICA FERRARI, MATTEO MORANDI, FEDERICO PISERI (eds.), Maestri e pratiche educative in età umanistica, Brescia, Scholé –Morcelliana, 2019 Hervé A. Cavallera
MARIO GENNARI, Trattatello di prosòdica. Che cosa è, com’è e chi è la nostra voce? , il Melangolo, Genova 2019 Hervé A. Cavallera