Vol. 4 No. 1 (2017): «In-dipendence». Control and emancipation paths of cultural minorities in European social history of education
Non-Monographic Section Articles

Adult education and political ideology. The case of sardinian Unla in the 70s

Published 2017-06-27


  • Literacy;,
  • Adult Education;,
  • Democratic Education;

How to Cite

Obinu, F. (2017). Adult education and political ideology. The case of sardinian Unla in the 70s. Rivista Di Storia dell’Educazione, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.4454/rse.v4i1.24


The National Union for the Fight Against Illiteracy, which was founded in Rome in December 1947, pursued the main aim of contributing to the recovery of illiterate adults, who was numerous in southern Italy, to form them as socially and politically aware citizens. The choice to keep equal distance from all political organizations was the basis on which the Union founded its educational work. To develop its work the Union created the Centers of Popular Culture, and as long as the Cpc were under the control of the Union, the principle of party equidistance was respected. But in June 1970, the Union gave life to the Regional Committees of the Cpc, which arose in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Lazio, Puglia and Sardinia. The Committees characterized in a political-ideological way their courses and programs, including training for Cpc animators. This, at least, is what emerges from the activity of the Regional Committee of the Sardinian CPC, which is the subject of this paper.