Literacy, civic education and history: the role of the Italian middle school (1958-2008)

Published 2023-08-09
- history,
- Italy,
- school,
- didactics,
- citizenship
- democracy,
- literacy,
- civic education ...More
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Copyright (c) 2023 Margherita Angelini

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The essay focuses on the evolution, the impact and the transformations within civic education in Italian middle schools. In the first part, it analyzes the two decades after 1945 when the economic and demographic growth, the progressive integration into the European context would have modeled legislative reforms. In the second part, the paper analyzes the period 70s-90s when the first international researches were promoted and it investigates how the transnational setting influenced Italian schools. In the last part it focuses on the decade after 1993 within the context of European integration. The paper is based on diverse sources: Italian and European legislation, scientific debates, as well as the results of international surveys. Since the Italian education system is mainly public and the State has had exclusive legislative competence on the general organization of the education system, the paper focuses not only on how the civic education was taught in Italian middle schools but it explores its connections with the general levels of literacy and with the teaching of history to understand how it was part of the democratization process of Italian society.
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