Vol. 11 (2022): gennaio-giugno
Scrittura / Lettura / Ascolto

Commento a tre poesie di Pavese

Published 2022-06-23

How to Cite

Villa, M. (2022). Commento a tre poesie di Pavese. L’ospite Ingrato, 11, 241–254. Retrieved from https://rivistadistoriadelleducazione.it/index.php/oi/article/view/13652


We offer a small sample of a commentary on Cesare Pavese’s poems, soon to be published for Garzanti. The three poems, from Lavorare stanca, are chosen for their emblematic value, both thematically and formally. They show the evolution of Pavese’s “poesia-racconto” towards an increasingly essential representation of landscapes and psychologies. At the same time, they are emblematic stages of the crisis that will lead to the existential failure in the book’s conclusion.