Vol. 11 (2022): gennaio-giugno
Scrittura / Lettura / Ascolto

«Le parole nello spazio della verità». Tracce weiliane nell’opera di Natalia Ginzburg

Published 2022-06-23

How to Cite

Bassi, G. (2022). «Le parole nello spazio della verità». Tracce weiliane nell’opera di Natalia Ginzburg. L’ospite Ingrato, 11, 225–240. Retrieved from https://rivistadistoriadelleducazione.it/index.php/oi/article/view/13651


The reading of Simone Weil in Italy has been absorbed especially by women writers: as in the cases of Elsa Morante and Anna Maria Ortese, traces of Weil’s thought can also be found in Natalia Ginzburg’s texts, particularly in relation to religion, law and justice. Starting from the epigraph of Sul credere o non credere in Dio (1970), from L’ombra e la grazia, this article investigates the affinity between Simone Weil’s philosophical thought and Natalia Ginzburg’s poetics, focusing on the relationship between language and the concepts of truth and value.