Vol. 11 (2022): gennaio-giugno
Sezione monografica: Testimoni di se stessi

Avere cura del mondo. Diffrazioni dell’io nella poesia di Alessandra Carnaroli

Published 2022-06-23

How to Cite

Bello Minciacchi, C. (2022). Avere cura del mondo. Diffrazioni dell’io nella poesia di Alessandra Carnaroli. L’ospite Ingrato, 11, 105–124. Retrieved from https://rivistadistoriadelleducazione.it/index.php/oi/article/view/13644


This essay is dedicated to the poetry of Alessandra Carnaroli, who between her first book, Taglio intimo (2001), and her most recent, 50 tentati suicidi + 50 oggetti contundenti (2021), has developed an organic and solid textual architecture in which the poet’s identity and subjectivity do not assume classical lyrical movements. The essay investigates the relationship between the authorial self, which disappears in favour of the “other”, and the persona self, which speaks in the first person, changing from poem to poem, within themes linked to the souffrance. Through a close reading of poetic texts chosen from her entire production, the article highlights and interprets both stylistic-aesthetic peculiarities and the painful polyphony of other people’s voices. The study proposes to read Carnaroli’s poetry in the light of the theories on the «care of the world» in the terms set out by Elena Pulcini. The solicitude towards the other, especially when he is seen in his vulnerability, as in Carnaroli’s poems, appears as an attempt to reconstruct the social bond, an act of «care of the world».