Vol. 11 (2022): gennaio-giugno
Sezione monografica: Testimoni di se stessi

Disinsediare l’io. Geografie di Antonella Anedda ovvero essere altro(ve)

Published 2022-06-23

How to Cite

Donati, R. (2022). Disinsediare l’io. Geografie di Antonella Anedda ovvero essere altro(ve). L’ospite Ingrato, 11, 89–104. Retrieved from https://rivistadistoriadelleducazione.it/index.php/oi/article/view/13642


This essay concerns the prose book Geografie (2021), written by the Italian poet Antonella Anedda. The study of Geografie’s underlying mechanisms (focusing on the author’s ideas, style, rhetoric) allows to highlight the characteristics and importance of this text, both with respect to Anedda’s work (across a thirty-year long career) and in relation to some crucial issues in our present social, political and cultural debate.